Hi All
Well its time to up the anti on this blog. Starting now i will be adding new segments to keep this blog moving starting with - Lessons Learned. Enjoy
Lessons Learned
- Cleaning the fridge before you store it.
Sounds simple right? We use our portable fridge regularly when we are out and about - on day trips or when we are camping - to keep the food and drinks cold and the kids happy. But after a long day on the road it might get emptied pretty much straight away - but it may be a day before I get around to cleaning it and by that stage - it can smell less than fresh! And if you have ever got distracted and put it away without cleaning it first? Well...It'll be enough to put you off your trip - let alone your lunch!

So there are a heap of ways to clean it up but I have become really fond of this vanilla fresh wipe and deoderizer spay. OK, so your other half has probably been using it for years but it works a treat and gives the fridge that new smell the next time you open it, LOL!!

But if you rummage underneath the kitchen sink and can't find this product then there are a couple of things you can try that work just as well and Baking Soda is one of them. Sprinkle a handful of baking soda and a cup of warm water into the bottom of the fridge using it to wash down the sides This is a great way to clean out anything that might have stained and it's good with smells. If you get a bit more creative you can throw some vanilla essence into a spray bottle with some water and spray it down. Leave it to completely dry before you close the lid. It will smell great the next time you open it up to use it. These work really well on your Esky's and Ice Boxes as well.
One good thing about using either the vanilla Fresh or the Baking Soda is that they are all environmentally friendly and perfectly safe to use around food - which is what you want so you won't have any problems with chemicals and it's better for your fridge.
so Ok this does sound a little like an info-mercial (!) but its the simple tips and tricks that really do make it easier to get out there and enjoy a your trip.

Sweetheart, I guess that means you are going to clean the house fridge too... right? ;-)