4WD Custom Action magazine have produced a Customiser's Guide for the Suzuki Vitara and Grand Vitara (98-05) in the current issue (No.15) which features some great info on purchasing and kitting out your Suzuki.

It mentions things to look out for, parts that are a must to add and where to get ém. It even happens to mention us as a few times which is really great. The article, in particular, mentions that "Outdoor Auto in QLD is currently developing" an alloy, winch bullbar that is airbag compliant. And the article is correct - we are! And by coincidence it should be finished by tomorrow (so look out for some photos).
It also talks about the benefits of extractors, an addition which has sometimes been hard to find especially for GV owners. It is great that this has been recognised as a great way to get more power out your vehicle and it is something that we have been working on for a while now. The great news is that it looks like the hard work is paying off and we should be able to supply our own brand soon! So stay tuned.

Our unbreakable handles get a mention as does our snorkel (but it's fibreglass though boys not polycarb as mentioned in the article).
The article opens up an interesting discussion point about the cost to make a Vitara more ''hard core' being more expensive than doing up a Sierra. It's a valid point that it does take more cash to turn a Vitara into a rock monster - sure, Sierra's are more easily customised in the back yard. A Vitara is still a great every day vehicle. Monday to Friday it will carry you in comfort but still have the guts to take you where you want to go on the weekend.
This is even truer for the Grand Vitaras as a great small family wagon and make a great touring vehicle but still hold their own off road.
It was also great that the guys gave us a "Thanks"at the end of the article. We are always happy to help (and always happy to talk 4WDing!). So all in all, it's a great write up and SIX actual pages about Suzukis in a 4WD magazine when so many only ever feature the big rigs.
We hope good info like this encourages more people to see the benefits and possibilities of small 4WDs.
Well done Tim. You've got the best job in the world. Getting to modify the best little 4wd there is.I'm afraid I'd be like a kid in a candy store if I was you.
(Madly saving pennies for goodies)
Thanks Kerway, its not a bad way to pass the time and its amazing i had to start my own shop to get my hands on these goodies!! :-)